
Extracorporeal Membrane
Oxygenation (ECMO) 

Patient & Family

Our Emory ECMO team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care for your loved one.  We know this is a difficult time, and we are here to help you understand the process and answer all of your questions or concerns. 

Our ECMO Coordinator(s) will be a primary healthcare provider for your loved one and a key contact for you during your loved one’s time on ECMO support. 

Unfortunately, ECMO is not a cure for your loved one’s illness.  They are very sick, and ECMO is a crucial attempt to save their life.  In some cases, ECMO gives the body time for the lungs or heart to heal.  Without ECMO, people with conditions as serious as these would not be expected to recover or live, but even with ECMO, not all patients will heal or even survive.  About half of the patients who are given ECMO treatment will live. 

While on ECMO support, your loved one will be cared for by specially trained staff at Emory University Hospital. Our ECMO Brochure will provide you with additional information related to ECMO care.