
Treatments & Services

Hybrid Coronary Revascularization

Hybrid Coronary Revascularization is a treatment option for coronary artery disease that physicians at the Emory Heart & Vascular Center are currently performing.

Hybrid revascularization is a combination of coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The minimally invasive CABG procedure uses robotic-assisted techniques that allow surgery to be performed using small incisions between the ribs rather than through a midline incision dividing the sternum.

The recovery from robotic assisted CABG is shorter and expected to have fewer complications. Impressively, most patients are able to leave the hospital within three to four days and return to full activity, including work, in two to three weeks rather than the two-month recovery generally required following traditional CABG.

This approach is a “best of both worlds strategy” - minimally invasive off-pump left internal mammary artery (LIMA) graft plus percutaneous coronary intervention, a stent placed via ultrasound from the left main to the left circumflex artery.

Patient Advantages

  • Optimal therapy with this minimally invasive approach translates into shorter recovery time meaning patients can return home a few days after surgery.
  • Potentially fewer complications.
  • Quicker return to work or normal activity.

Why Emory?

Emory is one of only a few centers in the nation offering hybrid coronary revascularization. Emory physicians are leaders in performing advanced procedures “off-pump” in a minimally invasive fashion, without breaking open the chest as well as finding new and innovative ways to treat patients.