
Treatments & Services

Women's Urology Health Treatments

Our expert physicians provide treatments for a variety of urology conditions affecting women. We understand that many women feel uncomfortable discussing these conditions and the importance of creating a relaxed and stress-free atmosphere for our patients.

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Female Voiding Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence

The female bladder is subject to unique physiologic stimuli. We offer the most advanced approaches to evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities ranging from bothersome urinary patterns to severe urinary incontinence.

Female Incontinence Treatments

Incontinence surgery is an option for female patients with anatomical problems such as pelvic prolapse or for women who do not respond to treatment with medication. Whether using an open or robotic approach to incontinence or pelvic floor surgery, the goal of the procedure is to restore natural anatomic structures and allow for improved continence.

There are three surgical options for the treatment of female urinary incontinence:

  • Sling Procedure – A sling procedure is a minimally invasive surgery that uses strips of material to create a sling around the bladder and urethra. The sling device keeps consistent pressure on the urethra, which remains closed until intentionally voiding. The sling procedure is the most common surgical procedure used to treat stress incontinence due to its high rate of efficacy and low complication rates.
  • Bladder Suspension Surgery – Bladder suspension surgery, or bladder neck suspension, is a procedure used to provide support for the urethra and the bladder neck, the muscle that connects the urethra to the bladder. During the procedure the surgeon will use stitches to reinforce the urethra and bladder neck. Bladder suspension surgery involves an abdominal incision and is a more invasive form of incontinence surgery than the sling procedure. Some patients will require use of a catheter during the initial stages of the recovery period, which lasts approximately six weeks.
  • Artificial Urinary Sphincter – An artificial urinary sphincter is an implanted device which compresses the patient’s urethra to keep it closed when not intentionally voiding. During this procedure, a cuff, which is controlled by an implanted pump, is placed around the urethra to prevent urine from leaking.

Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery

Emory Gynecology and Obstetrics offers comprehensive evaluation, management, and treatment options for female urinary and pelvic floor dysfunctions. Our physicians provide specialized expertise in the treatment of women with pelvic floor disorders.

Bladder, Vaginal and Uterine Prolapse

A condition where the pelvic organs slide down from their normal position and can pass through the opening of the vagina. Often related to decreased structural support of the pelvic floor. The bladder, uterus, vagina, and rectum, either alone or in combination with others can all prolapse depending on the specific abnormalities. Depending on the severity of this condition treatment may be indicated. Options would include non-surgical options including pelvic floor physical therapy or placement of a pessary (a plastic insert into the vagina that holds the prolapsed organs inside the pelvis). Alternatively, surgical reconstruction would be possible to strengthen the pelvic floor and hold these organs inside the body.

Genitourinary Fistula

A fistula is an abnormal connection between the two structures, most commonly in this case the bladder and the vagina. These can result from congenital defect, pelvic surgery, cancer or radiation.

The first symptom of a fistula is often leakage of urine from the vagina, passage of gas from the urethra while urinating and frequency urinary tract infections.

Genitourinary fistula is most commonly diagnosed using X-ray and visualization with a scope (cystoscope). The surgeons at Emory Urology have expertise with the surgical repair of even the most complicated fistulas.

Urethral Diverticulum

Urethral diverticulum (UD) is a condition in which the urethra forms small pouches or pockets that fill with urine during urination and cause unpleasant symptoms in patients. Urethral diverticulum is most common in middle aged women.

The cause of Urethral Diverticulum is not clearly understood. Urethral Diverticulum may occur from repeated infections and/or obstruction of glands around the urethra, while other studies suggest may result from congenital causes or trauma during childbirth.

Urethral diverticulum symptoms include frequent urinary tract infections, pain or tenderness, dribbling after urination, blood in the urine and urinary incontinence. Not all patients with UD experience symptoms.

Get Care at Emory Healthcare

Our caring team of urology experts can help you with your urology concerns. To learn more or schedule an appointment, please call 404-778-4898, Mon–Fri 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.