



The discs are the cushion-like structures located between each vertebrae (the bones in your back and neck). Over time, the discs in the spine may develop cracks and fissures. These cracks and fissures may be a source of back pain.

A discogram helps to identify which disc may be responsible for your back pain. The information is necessary to assist your doctor in determining what type of treatment is appropriate for you.

Is there any special preparation for a discogram?

Knowing which area is responsible for your symptoms is the focus of the test. It is necessary for you to be in your usual amount of pain at the time of your appointment, so we ask that you take no pain medications after midnight the night before your test.

What happens during a discogram?

Under X-ray guidance, a needle is inserted into the disc and dye is injected to distend the area and aid in reproducing a pain response. Questions will be asked of you as this occurs. These questions are important in assisting your doctor to determine which area is involved in causing your pain.

What should I expect after a discogram?

You will need someone to drive you home after the discogram; otherwise you may resume your normal activities.

Some patients report additional irritation in the back or leg for a day or two following the procedure. If the pain lasts beyond three days, or if you develop a fever or chills, notify a member of our medical staff immediately. You may call (404) 778-7000 if you have any questions.