
Department of Human Genetics


You carry genetic code that’s uniquely your own. There’s no one else like you. You know you inherited your mother’s eyes and your father’s nose. Do you ever wonder what unseen family traits you may carry — or pass on to your own children? Let Emory Clinic Genetics help you find out.

Genetic studies have solved many health mysteries over the last few decades. Doctors and scientists now know which mutations on which chromosomes result in inherited conditions like Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome. The genes you inherit may even make you more likely to get certain diseases, such as some forms of cancer.

Emory Clinic genetic experts work with children, adults and families to help them learn more about their current and future health risks.

Four Reasons You May Want Genetic Testing

You may want to consider Emory Clinic genetic testing or genetic counseling if:

  • Your doctor thinks you or your child may have a genetic condition
  • You have a strong family history of certain cancers (especially at a young age)
  • You have other birth defects, developmental delays or syndromes that seem to run in your family
  • You want to know if there’s a genetic factor in your child’s birth defect or developmental delay

Learn about your genes from leading doctors, researchers and faculty

When you visit Emory Clinic Genetics, you’re getting information from the doctors who teach, research and advance the study of human genetics. You have a direct path to new findings, new therapies or new studies underway. Meet our geneticists.

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call 404-778-8570 or fax at 404-778-8562.

Did You Know?

Emory Clinic geneticists partner with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to diagnose genetic disorders in children — often before birth?

Make an Appointment
To make an appointment, please call 404-778-7777.