
Radiology Diagnostic

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Procedures

Thank you for choosing Emory Radiology for your MRI. Emory Radiology’s MRI program features physicians and scientists who are leaders in the science and development of MRI technology. Together we provide you and your physician with subspecialized expertise, the latest in imaging technology and a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and care. At any time, please feel free to ask questions of any member of our team.

Download and print our Patient Screening Form (PDF 112KB) and CT/MRI Preparation Instructions (PDF 107KB).

About Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is a painless, safe, noninvasive diagnostic technology that uses a strong magnet and radio waves to produce 2-D and 3-D pictures, or images, of your internal organs and other soft tissue. MRI creates images that can often provide more information than a biopsy or open surgery. MRI is also capable of creating images of biological functions, for example, the beating of your heart. Because MRI can produce clear internal images of your body from any angle, it provides doctors with a wealth of information both quickly and cost effectively. This information often cannot be obtained by any other method.

Doctors use detailed MRI images to diagnose internal injuries as well as to diagnose and determine the extent of diseases, including:

  • Brain and nervous system disorders
  • Major forms of cancer, including breast cancer
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal system, liver, pancreas and kidneys
  • Gynecological, prostate and disorders involving the soft tissues of the pelvis
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

In addition, doctors can use MRI to monitor the effects of medications and treatments inside the body and to detect tissue inflammation.

Safe and Cost-Effective

The magnetic fields and radio waves used in clinical MRI produce no known tissue damage of any kind. MRI does not use X-rays or any other form of ionizing radiation. This is one of the differences between MRI and computed tomography (CT) scans.

In the hands of skilled technologists and doctors like those who make up the multidisciplinary team at Emory Radiology, MRI can produce accurate, reliable images for diagnosis and reduce the need for repeat exams. Such precision saves you time and controls costs.