
Emory Urology Services

Refer a Patient

Here at Emory Clinic Department of Urology, our goal is to serve you and your patients effectively and compassionately.

For referrals or to discuss a patient, please call 404-778-4898

Routine or Non-Urgent Referrals

  • Fax a brief patient history, pertinent labs and studies to 404-778-4006
  • Please call 404-778-4898 to confirm that your fax was received
  • You will hear back from an Emory Clinic Urologist within 72 hours

Urgent Referrals During Business Hours

  • Please call 404-778-4898, Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Identify the call as an urgent referral and an Emory Clinic Urologist will return your call ASAP

Urgent Referrals After Hours and Weekends

  • Please call 404-778-5000 and ask for the Urology Attending on call to be paged
  • Your call will be returned ASAP