
DBS CareTrek
Mobile App

Why Did We Make the DBS Caretrek App?

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a very sophisticated surgery and requires many steps. Each patient's experience is slightly different based on their condition. Due to this complex process, our patients are often overwhelmed by the amount of information. Our app or application offers detailed descriptions and reminders for each visit. 


What Does the DBS CareTrek App Look Like?

1. Main navigation: You can swipe to see your upcoming DBS appointments. The four phases (Screening, Pre-surgery, Surgery, and follow-up) are color-coded differently.


2. Overview navigation: You can see a complete listing of your appointments and navigate between them.



3. Appointment Information: You can save the appointment on your app calendar and connect the appointment address to your navigation.

4. Appointment Guide and Education: You can see detailed information about your appointment here. If you want to learn more, you can click on
the 'learn more' icon and will take you to the Emory DBS website.

5. My Checklist: You can be fully prepared for your appointment with a checklist that provides appointment requirements.

6. My Profile: You can see your personal information, device, and emergency contact.

7. My Team: You can see your care team listing and send a secure message.

8. My Library: You can collect and review educational videos and your DBS manuals.

9. My Journey: As the main menu, you can navigate, read appointment information and appointment checklist.