Emory Executive Health Center

Emory Employer Health Solutions

The Employee Health Experience at Emory

Time is money. Emory’s Employer Health Solutions programs value the time in a busy schedule and make the most of a personalized health care experience for individual needs. When an appointment is made, we will plan all physical and screening tests to fit personal availability.

We customize each physical based on your medical history and preferences and provide personalized and coordinated care throughout the year. We focus on promoting employee wellness and lifestyle management while offering evidence-based preventive medicine.

Workforce Health with Emory Employer Solutions

Below is a list of our employee health services for individuals, executives & international guests to consider as a part of our employee health programs.

For Executives

Employee wellness is our top priority. Your executive will have an hour-long extended visit with one of our board-certified physicians, plus additional time to review their results. This allows us to address all of your executive’s health care needs in a personalized, unhurried manner. Exercise, wellness and preventive medicine are core to the Executive Health Center.

For Individuals

View Services for Executive Individuals including the comprehensive physical.

Emory Lifestyle Medicine & Wellness:

Emory Special Diagnostic Clinic: evaluating patients with symptoms and/or illnesses for which the reason has not been identified or diagnosed.

Emory International: care coordination for patients who are traveling from outside of the US.

Connect with us to Discuss Your Employee Wellness

Contact us so we may discuss what your employee health programs could look like. The possibilities are endless. Together, we design a comprehensive executive health program to truly impact employee wellness and health behaviors.