
Arrhythmia Center

Arrhythmia Center Screening & Diagnosis

Diagnosing arrhythmias takes an experienced team with access to the right technology. If you have an arrhythmia, you may not feel any symptoms at all, or you may have symptoms that can seem unrelated to the heart, such as dizziness, fainting or shortness of breath. Arrhythmias can can also have many causes, such as medications, , diet, stress, thyroid problems and other conditions

Our arrhythmia specialists take these factors into account. Our team will ask you questions about your medical and family history and do a thorough evaluation. You may need tests to uncover the true cause of your arrhythmia. Tests might include:

Diagnostic Tests for Arrhythmia

Electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) – This test measures the heart's electrical activity, recording the strength and timing of electrical signals as they pass through the heart.

Echocardiogram – This test that uses sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart, to show how it’s formed and how it’s working.

Holter Monitoring – This test detects irregular heart rhythms that can happen quickly and occasionally. You wear a small phone-sized device (attached to their chest by five adhesive electrode patches) for one or two days. The device records continually records your heart rhythms.

Event Recorder – This small, phone-sized recording device can detect and record arrhythmias even with no symptoms. It may be worn up to a month.

Tilt Table Test – This test helps evaluate blood pressure-related reasons for fainting (syncope). Heart rhythm and blood pressure are carefully monitored while a patient rests on a special table that tilts the patient upright at a 70-80 degree angle for 30-45 minutes.

Electrophysiology (EP) Study – An EP study involves inserting a catheter (a narrow, flexible tube)into a blood vessel. The catheter is attached to electricity monitoring electrodes, The catheter wire is guided into the heart, and X-ray-like machine provides images of the catheter and heart muscle. The catheter's electrodes gather data and make a variety of electrical measurements.. This test can help assess the need for pacemaker or other treatment. It can also help predict the risk of future heart problems, and determine whether medicines are working. heart rhythm disorders.

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call 404-778-7777.